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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Mafia Mother

I don't often blog these days, but I had to put something up because I'm sick to death of seeing my knackered hand rising up in a lady of the lake pose. Instead of Excalibur all I have is a frayed and grubby bandage.

You might be forgiven for thinking this was Kraytwins@blogspot or the lesser known film, The Godmother, but it is only the sons and me getting into the festive mood before a party.

I must clarify a few points.  I am not fat, the boys are way too thin.  I am not short either, they're both nearly 7ft.

On the writing front, I've plotted a new book after spending ages building characters who might just be believable. Might. I struggle with this.  Perhaps a book with just one character would be the thing?


  1. Hurray! Lovely to see you again - I did laugh at your description of your bandaged hand! Well, you all look great... if not quite in the festive mood yet. Perhaps it all kicked off after this photo was taken? Good luck with the new book.

  2. Good to hear that you're writing :o) A book with one character sounds a lot more manageable. There wouldn't be much conflict either, so it shouldn't take long to finish.

    My boys are lanky and tall too. In fact I'm the smallest in our family apart from the dog - unless she's on her hind legs.

    Hope you enjoy/enjoyed the party!

  3. Well done on the plotting front, hope the arm isn't giving you too much trouble. I need to find a way to kick myself up the bum and get on with mine, but kicking your own bottom is trickier than it sounds...

    You don't look like the Krays to me, but there is perhaps a hint of 'will you just take the picture!'

  4. A lovely photo of mama and her boys. You look very well protected by all that tall handsomeness.

    I like the sound of a book with one character. The character may be a bit odd though, if he never meets anyone. Hmm maybe a castaway...

  5. Crumbs, what handsome boys you have!

    Characters are tricky sods. My next novel will feature a broom but no people. It will be awfully boring but much simpler to write.

  6. Chris - this is as festive as I do when sober:)

    I hope your new book is behaving - can't wait to read it.

    Karen - you always look lovely and petite to me whereas I just look, compressed.
    I bet Molly looks sooo sweet in a hind legs pose.

    Denise - kicking your own bottom is a hard skill to learn but once mastered,it comes in very handy. As does twisting your own arm. Going by your synopsis and the chapter I read, you have a cracking story there so set aside some time for kicking.

    Lane - brilliant thinking. A castaway. I loved Tom Hanks in whatever it was but then I just love Tom Hanks.

    Jen - thank you. I won't pass your kind comments onto the boys. They spend quite enough time preening as it is.

    I think having a broom as you m/c is genius. Start writing it now.

  7. Great photo. I think one character is the way forward but then I'd probably still find a flaw with that
