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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Mafia Mother

I don't often blog these days, but I had to put something up because I'm sick to death of seeing my knackered hand rising up in a lady of the lake pose. Instead of Excalibur all I have is a frayed and grubby bandage.

You might be forgiven for thinking this was Kraytwins@blogspot or the lesser known film, The Godmother, but it is only the sons and me getting into the festive mood before a party.

I must clarify a few points.  I am not fat, the boys are way too thin.  I am not short either, they're both nearly 7ft.

On the writing front, I've plotted a new book after spending ages building characters who might just be believable. Might. I struggle with this.  Perhaps a book with just one character would be the thing?

Monday 19 April 2010

Writers Hand

I've discovered a cure for writers block. 

I haven't been able to type properly for months but had my carpal tunnel op last week so perhaps in another couple.

Of course I now have lots of writerly thoughts but they get lost with the slow tap, tap, taping of my left hand.

Wonder how many of you out there have had self inflicted injury from extreme writing? I am available to make comforting remarks in sympathy.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Gone Fishing

Just for a few weeks while I try to find motivation for a third rewrite of my novel  - aka the demon on my shoulder.

I'll still be flitting around the blogs so stay in touch.