The Woman in the Window

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Sunday, 3 January 2010

Gone Fishing

Just for a few weeks while I try to find motivation for a third rewrite of my novel  - aka the demon on my shoulder.

I'll still be flitting around the blogs so stay in touch.


  1. Good luck Fia. Look forward to seeing you back here with a report.

    *Goes back to editing her own pile...*

  2. Good luck with the rewrite, Fia x

  3. You'll find it, of that I have no doubt.

    Happy New Year old girl :0) X

  4. If you manage to find a particularly large haul of motivation could you throw some my way please? Good luck with the fishing and I do like their hats!

  5. I know that demon well.

    Let's slay him.

  6. best of luck Fia! Happy New Year. I have a brain like porridge at the moment....xx

  7. Good luck, Fia. And here's wishing you a very happy and successful 2010.

  8. Sending you tons of motivation x

  9. Come back soon missus, and good luck with rewriting - I know you can do it :o)

  10. JJ Yes, indeed. A How to Rewrite Your Novel Twenty Different Ways.

    Looking forward to comparing notes.

    Amanda - Thanks and well done with your writing.

    Spiral - Do you think so? Looking forward to seeing you at the next meet (as in racers not riders)

    Denise - If I do find it, I will be very generous I promise. I like their hats too and boy do we need hats at the moment.

    Lane - Lets! I'll be right behind you.

    Flowerpot - Thank you and not true about brains and porridge. You're a clever cookie you know.

    ChrisH - Ah, thanks you my dear. And you have a fabulous year - you've earned it.

    Helen - Much appreciated. I will make good use of it or rather I will try very hard.

    CC Devine - Cheers. Here's to Red Devil Velvet Dark Choc cakes.

    Karen - Thing is Karen I don't know if I can. It requires some degree of organisation and I am so bad at that. Excuses, I know. Thanks for your help and kind words.

  11. I was wondering where that demon went. I think he got bored of me ignoring him and left. I really hate him! Good luck with the rewrite!

  12. Good luck, Fiona. I'm in the market for motivation right now so if you see any good ones around please let me know.

  13. Only three re-writes?? You slacker, you!

  14. Hope the rewrites are going well. I'm on the final edits for ROAD CLOSED, almost done. I'm past the last minute panic stage where I get in a terrible muddle with changes and think I'll never sort it out, almost on the home run! Fingers crossed I'll meet my publisher's deadline...

  15. Fia, I hope the rewrites are going well - There's a blog award for you over at mine.

  16. I posted here a couple of days ago but it hasn't appeared so I think I did something wrong - duh! Anyway, once again, Fia, wishing you all the best with the rewrites and the demon-slaying!

  17. Lily - you know you love him really!

    Liane - Spring is motivating me. It must be lovely where you are?

    Rick - I know, I know...:)

    Leigh - Good luck with ROAD CLOSED.

    JJ - Thank you, that's sweet of you. Hope your own editing/rewritting is going well?

    Lorna - Thanks Lorna, haven't rewritten anything yet but have spent weeks deleting and adding scenes prior to rewriting. Going to read through today and see if I've got anywhere.
