The Woman in the Window

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Sunday 23 August 2009

Try, try, try again.

Our garden backs on to a large wood and from late summer to early spring, wolf spiders exchange the oaks and elms for my little house. I wish they wouldn't. Last night one, as big as those War of the World beasties, thundered over the duvet towards me. As I screamed it went under the duvet and over my legs.

If you have no fear of spiders, then I apologize. This is vaguely connected in a Robert the Bruce kind of way, and is much more interesting and constructive from one who really knows his stuff:


  1. Shivering at the thought of monster (or any) spider running up your bed, eugh.

    Thanks for the link. Great post, and it makes me feel better. Now, back to the shed for more endless editing.

  2. Oh dear god. I do not like them. I am shivering on your behalf.

  3. Not under the duvet. Not across your legs!

    I'm not afraid of the little house spiders, but we've got some huge hairy ones in this valley that take all the bravado out of me.

  4. Editing is really the hardest part isn't it or do you think it gets better as we get more experienced?

    JJ Thank you for shivering on my behalf but it is your shivering I'm worried about. Hope you're taking it easy?

    Liane - it was even a double barrelled spider - my blood pressure! But I am intrigued by your valley spiders (in a hiding behind the sofa kind of way). Could you post some pictures?

  5. I hate spiders. What is it about them when we're so much bigger than they are? As my husband always says, "they have to earn a living too." Yeah but not near me!

  6. Ewwwww! No, no spiders in the bed/bath/open mouth when asleep/ or even in the same room as me, thank you. I hope the try, try and try again stuff works though.

  7. Debs - sorry, the editing bit was to you:) You know you'll get there.

    Flowerpot - It's strange isn't it? Apparently spider fear is a learned fear and the only fear we are born with is one of snakes. I'm not worried by snakes but I did nearly tread on an adder in the woods last week. I would have had to limp a long way home.

    ChrisH - A spider did swing into my husband's mouth once as Andy came through the door frame.
    Lots of choking and spitting but poor spider was swallowed. It didn't wriggle and wriggle inside him.

  8. Excuse me, I just fainted after reading the spider in the mouth story - EWWWWWW!

    Interesting article. I do think it's possible to over-edit, but I'm trying to find a balance :o)

  9. Karen - I am afraid I have lots of spider stories. I even got a two page article published in K9 Magazine about one. Such fame...

    Too much editing? I like it. I like best of all Susan Hills website - lost it now - but she only ever does one draft apparently. I think being a bit brilliant, she can do that. Not me, alas.

  10. Ughh to spiders. It's the way they move!

  11. Living in the middle of nowhere we sometimes see spiders the size of cats. Yuk!

  12. Once I had a spider crossing my living room.. it was so big that I heard its footsteps going across a wrinkled up paper. It was frightening!

  13. HelenM - Oh, I agree. Not sure if keeping those legs still and bouncing along would be better though?

    Apsolute - Yes, why do they have to track inside in autumn? They have a complete right to roam, for goodness sake.

    Colette - No,no,no! Please tell me the cats are really small in your neck of the woods?

    judy in ky - Oh, my! I hope you had some counselling? Thanks for dropping in:)

  14. Unfortunately we have cat sized cats Fia.

  15. I'm a lifelong arachnophobe, Fia, so this really made me shudder. And don't you just hate the people who say 'It's more frightened of you than you are of it.' Absolutely no WAY! :)

  16. Colette - I am trying not to imagine your local spiders.

    Lorna F - No way indeed. More than that, I hate 'friends' who can pick them up and try and bring them near me. 'Look, he's tiny really.' I think I might actually murder a person if they put one on me. Keep your 'flooding' or whatever it's called.

    I will look out for you in Winchester next year. I'm in Reading so it's my nearest festival.

  17. Oh, you've had that 'It's tiny' too! NO spider is tiny! As for 'flooding' (floods of tears?) - I'd rather call it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Creation. It would be good to see you at Winchester - have you been before? Lots of good things there and the chance to network. Also, you might be interested that I'm launching my own creative writing courses here in Oxford - just a couple in November to start with but hopefully more next year. Details are on my new website
    - along with other writerly matters. :)
