The Woman in the Window

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Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Fia of the Shed

My father, a burnt out advertising man, promised himself that when he retired he would build a shed and write his novel. It would have been good. I may not have liked it - his Gorbells humour could cut deep - but the writing of it would have satisfied him.

It never happened and now I am nearly the age he was when he died, I have his shed.
Of course it's not his or mine really.
The last tenents left it behind and no
wonder, it's so heavily insulated, I'm surprised it hasn't sunk into the earth.

Apparently, alledgedly, the last people grew funny plants in it. I did wonder at all the electrics and big lamps. And the spiders with their funky, unfinished webs.

I've wanted to show off my shed for a while but didn't want Debs to think I was suffering shed envy - although I do indeed envy her the lovely shed of sheds. And Grumpy.


  1. Hmm, how cool! I think after seeing your and Debs habitats, that I need one of my own. But I'm a nesh bugger and I'm sure being cold would be my excuse not to use it.

    I like places designated to writing, I have a spare bedroom which is my 'study' but then I went and brought a laptop so it is anywhere and everywhere (except that room!) for me.

    It looks really well, your Dad will be proud when you finish your novel ;) x

  2. Wow - that is some shed. It must be most inspiring to write in there.

  3. Wow, that looks wonderful. Somewhere of your own, perfect. I started setting up a spare room as somewhere to write, but it has been overtaken by junk once again. Definitley worth asking the dog what he was thinking in that photograph. He looks deeply thoughtful, and might have a great tail to tell (sorry, couldn't resisit).

  4. I love your shed, and your very own grumpy. In fact yours looks very like mine, with the four windows, although I dont have one that opens.

    It also looks far tidier then mine!

  5. Your shed is a perfect Room of One's Own. I'm sure your father would approve and be very proud:-)

  6. L-Plate - I have an old fan heater. It's noisy but not as noisy as three men and a dog.

    Denise - LOL. Bramble is just pawsing for thought.

    Debs - It's only tidy becuase I'd just finished painting it. Now you can't even find the coffee mug for paper, notes, books, paper...

    Lane - If only I could write like Virginia Wolff, my father would be proud. No, scrap that, he didn't like her. I think she did frighten me a bit.

  7. Freudian slip there. I meant to write 'she frightened me - not me. Actually I think she would have frightened me too.

  8. You appear to have morphed into a cute little doggy in the third photo, Fia. Just thought I'd mention it.

    Lovely shed and photo, and I've got that novel on my desk too! (Well, not that exact one but you know what I mean.)

    We've got a shed, but it's too near the woods at the bottom of the garden - completely secluded, very dark and a just little bit creepy.

  9. Karen - woods behind this one too. It used to be very creepy - 'something nasty in the wood shed.' Where's that from? Cold Comfort Farm?

    I would like to be Bramble, apart form her job as mouse killer which is hardly surprised as she's a cross between a cat and a fruit bat.

    She says she's writing Waiting for Dogot:)

  10. Just found this blog. Lovely shed, I'm envious.
    Is your Word Counting blog now defunct?

  11. Hi Captain - sorry, I thought you'd been here before. Word counting now defunct and I can't remember why.

    Did you enjoy your writing holiday?

  12. Grat shed... pity the previous owners didn't leave a secret stash of their spider wonder web stuff hidden somewhere for any moments of writers block.

  13. Lovely shed, lucky Fia. Now I've got shed envy twice over!

  14. I would love a shed now..... moments of peace and prvacy (well, in a perfect world!)

  15. Your shed is a perfect writing cave!

  16. Wow - great space and sooooo tidy.

  17. Helenh - it is inspiring but I am not inspired. I am just rewriting first book really. I wonder when you should give up and start a completely new story.

    ChrisH - If I found it, I'd be out for the count for a week. I don't think anyone would notice until the fridge got low.

    Liane - but you have views of such beauty and here it rains so much.

    Flowerpot - It does give you privacy and I think having it as far away from the house cons my little brain into thinking I'm going to work.

    Absolute Vanilla - a writing cave. Wow, wouldn't that be the thing to have.

    JJ Beattie - if you could see it now. I will have to take another pic. Btw, loved your pineapples and rubber trees.
